Blah blah words words

For you, today, a post to mean anything at all that you need to hear. Because I’m here for you.

Pskjdf idi spq slsl jkshdflkn vmrgjcv lfdv, mn cvadvlk vm adflkjgm, vkdfglkjtm, w aljdm, nmer vlkasilwer. dfklj amnenv ieri jjvnklfn ioeifn idnmg fodoivn eoifcmv dkek mkldo; lwpw v lpobnmen vlow. A dkbkki ieifn ojofvjinm…you.

Shall I go on? No? That took care of it? So glad I could help.

Have a wonderful week, now that I’ve solved/addressed/decided/defused/praised/deflated/congratulated that issue you were worried/thinking/concerned/happy/angry/tense/hopeful about.

Do let everyone know, if you feel like it, what you think the above says to you. Or tell us what the Magic Eight Ball said to you this morning. Either. Both equally as skilled and prescient…

5 thoughts on “Blah blah words words

  1. Your “words” merely reminded me how scrambled I’m feeling in this end of the school year marathon. Sigh.

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